Optimum Dental Posture takes a practical and hands-on approach to training.
All our workshops are interactive and hosted in a dental setting.
A Two Day Practical Workshop for Dental Professionals
Overcoming and Preventing Occupational Chronic Pain & Stress in the Clinic
This two day training program is a practical “User Guide” for work postures, teaching Fundamental Inner Ergonomics every dental practitioner needs to know. You will learn the steps to recovery and prevention of occupational chronic pain in the clinic.
Most dental schools don’t train students how to bend over patients without compromising their neck, back and shoulders. Consequently, most clinicians bend and twist in harmful ways for long periods.
Poor work postures - prolonged forward and downwardly directed, unilaterally collapsed - lead to musculoskeletal disorders. Many practitioners have become accustomed to chronic pain and discomfort, believing it is the price to be paid for being a dental professional.
Most clinicians were not trained how to deal with the fearful human beings attached to the teeth they treat, who often cover up their fear and anxiety with a prickly outer mask, which can be taken personally and interpreted as hostility and lack of appreciation. This can lead to high levels of stress and burn out.
Worldwide research shows an alarming incidence of musculoskeletal disorders and stress in the dental profession.
Chronic pain and stress impact on career longevity, productivity and quality of life, forcing many practitioners to reduce work hours and to contemplate a career change or early retirement.
There are fundamental biomechanical design principles governing movement and posture; some joints are designed for prolonged bending, while others are not. Unfortunately we are not provided with a “User Guide” at birth.
Dental ergonomic research and design have focused on the equipment and surgery layout, the Outer Ergonomics, overlooking the importance of the operator’s efficiency in posture and movement, the Inner Ergonomics.
Fundamental Inner Ergonomics
Cumulative Trauma in the clinic and daily life - why there is an alarming incidence of occupational pain
The importance of correct magnification loupes
Inner Ergonomics 101 - what dental practitioners need to know about their bio-mechanical design
Postural Awareness - recognition of harmful postural habits
Habit change
the power of habit
how to change harmful postural habits in the clinic
and daily life
Stress reduction
early recognition of stress signs
dealing with time pressure
Calming techniques for patients and clinicians’ self-care
Steps to optimal musculoskeletal health & wellness
Practical Application of Inner Ergonomic Principles
Practical demonstrations in a clinical setting, individual kinaesthetic guidance and practise of applied Inner Ergonomics in simulated treatment on a manikin, with special focus on:
Gaining access for treatment by organising yourself from the inside out
Various treatment procedures with instruments you are invited to bring, including forceps
Reducing wrist, arm and shoulder strain during extractions, in sitting and standing
Postural awareness during treatment - learning to become mindful of yourself in daily life and in the clinic
Changing harmful habitual work postures
Participants are invited to bring their magnification loupes to be evaluated from an ergonomic perspective
Restoration & Self-Care with Active Rest
Demonstration and experiential training in how to decompress the spine and release tight muscles and joints at work and home
Thursday 1 & Friday 2 May 2025
10 am - 4 pm both days
Durr Dental
7/42 Sabre Drive, Port Melbourne VIC
Thursday 29 & Friday 30 May 2025
10 am - 4 pm both days
Henry Schein
8 Gardner Close, Milton, Brisbane QLD
2 Day Practical Workshop
Includes lunch and refreshments
- Dentists $1950 + GST
- Dental Hygienists & Oral Health Therapists $1750 + GST
Melbourne Workshop limited to 8 particpants
Brisbane Workshop limited to 12 Participants
Dr Anikó Ball and her assistant trainers provide participants with individual kinaesthetic guidance for optimal work postures and movement in the practical training sessions.